What is Rip-Off trading in Team Fortress 2?

First off, it's not scamming. Scamming is for tricks and bitches. Scam trading is more like "ripping off." It is taking advantage of people little knowledge of rarity. For instance, getting a hat for a weapon.

Will Valve get mad at me?
No. They don't care what goes on in the trade box. If both parties clicked ready, they were both willing.

What's the difference from this and stealing?
Stealing (or real scamming) would be swiping a purse from an old lady and running.
Scam trading would be offering a lady 20 dollars for her purse.


Always trade twice. You have to remember, most people are trying to play the game. If you were in the middle of trying to beat the shit out of a heavy with a fish, you wouldn't be too inclined to click 'Accept Trade' either. Wait a minute or so, or until you see them die on the killfeed.
Fuck NFS. On the same note of the above rule, ignore 'not for salers'. How many times have you seen someone with 3 hours, and a burning flames tyrants helm, and you asked them for it, and they told you it wasn't for sale? Try to wow them with an offer (remember, not a good offer) and if they decide they actually do want a crit-a-cola, you win!
You are scam trading, remember. Johnny Nick Nack has buds, and you want them bad. He wants a bills hat. You have a bills hat, and you know buds are worth 2 bills hats! You want to give a bills hat to Sally Saliva or whatever the fuck, I don't care. You put in your bills, and he asks for maybe another hat. Then another. Then another. Pretty soon, it's an even deal. Never lose sight of the objective. You are ripping people off, you're not trading fair.
Call their bluff. If the scam-ee knows a liiiiiiiittttle something something about value, he likely wont give it away for free, but with luck, you can convince them that it's lower. If they know that their buds are rare, tell them you cant get much more than a bald engie for them these days. They might be dumb enough to buy it.
Life Lines. If someone is looking for a sandman for their max head or some other amazing deal, but you don't have the weapon, you do have a friends list and tf2tp. You could always try to get it in a few minutes.
Backpack Awareness. Always have their tf2items or tf2b backpack open when talking to them in trade. Don't offer hats they already have. And if they are very new and don't have paints or dueling minigames, offer those. Chances are, they will take it in a second.
Be multi-lingual. Get this, lots of TF2 players don't speak english. If Mr. Japan 2010 over here has a big kill, are you just going to give up because he put some alien text in the trade chat? Fight back! Grab a translator and paste what he said in there, then translate your response. Never let a language barrier deter you of a good scam trade.
Facepunch, unite! See someone from this thread that you recognize in game, shoot them a trade to say what's up. We're all nice to eachother usually. Just check up on your facepunch bro, and let them know that you're with 'em.[/list]


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